Norton Law

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Young Offenders

Young offender charges have the ability to impact and shape the future of young people before they are even able to begin their adult lives. In Ontario, children between the ages of 12-17 are charged and protected under the Youth Criminal Justice Act, where the emphasis of sentencing is child protection, accountability, and rehabilitation. Under this act criminal charges are accessed and processed differently than in the adult court system.

In youth offences, attorneys and courts look to understand the underlying behaviours of the accused, aiming to protect and reintegrate them back into society with the skills and support needed to secure a positive future. For many, consequences of youth offences aim to help young people make amends through apology, commitment to volunteer work or attendance in specialised programs designed to increase successful outcomes.

Young offender charges are unique, and it is essential you choose a lawyer who is committed to protecting your child’s future, by securing a fair decision from the court. With their future on the line, this is the most important choice you can make for your child.

Steve Norton is a trained negotiator with years of experience defending his clients. Norton Law offers the personal attention you need to help you understand the specific details of your child’s case, while creating a defence that supports their development and protects their future.

To learn more or discuss the specifics of your child's case, contact Norton Law today.


Steve has always had an interest in defending those in their time of need. As a Criminal Defense and Litigation Lawyer, he takes great pride in passionately advocating for his clients and embraces a hard-won fight. Learn More about Steve

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